Short Course - Dragon NaturallySpeaking®
Course Goals
The course has been carefully prepared, so that by the end of the session,
a participant will have full control of their voice recognition software,
enabling them to:
- Dictate text into Windows applications,
- Amend and format documents,
- Set up a specialist vocabulary, and
- Add dictation shortcuts to enhance usability and efficiency.
The NaturallySpeaking® short training course is designed to be as flexible
as possible to accommodate to individual requirements, speed and ability.
All training material will be provided, giving listings of the main
commands - which will be a helpful reference for participants.
Recommended Prerequisite
- As a participant, you will be expected to have a general understanding
of the Windows 98/2000/XP environment and relevant office applications i.e.
MS Word97/2000 etc.
Course Outline
Install Dragon NaturallySpeaking®
- Carry out software installation and enrolment.
Voice File
- Set-up options,
- Creating, training software and saving a voice file - including tips for
good performance and microphone positioning,
- Explaining the use of menus, and
- Speed and accuracy enhancements.
- Dictation & Correction - saving and spelling/training words and phrases,
- Formatting and editing text.
Vocabulary Builder
- Setting-up a specialist vocabulary
Vocabulary Editor
- Adding and training words, phrases and abbreviations,
- Add shortcuts, and
- Looking at the 'Show Customs Words' options.
Readback and Playback Facility
- Exploring the benefits of these two options
Dictation Shortcuts
Voice Commands
- Exploring the hands-free capabilities of Dragon NaturallySpeaking®,
such as
- Starting applications,
- Activating menus, and
- Pressing keys by voice commands.
